Brazilian Cosmetics

As we have mentioned before, the beauty market has been growing year after year in Brazil and especially abroad.

Despite the crisis, the oscillating dollar that impacts customs issues, and other economic factors that influence the cosmetics industry’s movement, growth continues to be promising.

Brazilian cosmetics have stood out significantly within the segment, and in recent years many Brazilian companies have consolidated and started to export their products with great acceptance by the international public.

In other words, there is a strong demand and we can affirm that the cosmetics industry is in Brazil’s favor both to serve the domestic and the foreign market.

Within the range of products, there is a special highlight for those intended for hair care. They represent the highest percentage of consumption inside and especially outside the country.

Brands such as Ana & Ana Cosméticos focused on smoothing treatment have had a significant highlight for its differentiated composition and have already won the hearts of Brazilian women and consumers worldwide.

In Brazil, biotypes are very diverse and Brazilian cosmetics have managed to deliver innovative solutions and special treatments that meet all hair types and this has helped to boost sales in the market in general.

And consumers are not restricted to the female public, as many people think, because nowadays a good part of men already dedicate more care to their appearance as well.

Brazilian cosmetics stand out not only for their price, but for their recognized quality for all genders.

Smaller companies have a competitive advantage when it comes to exporting, although they have a limited niche in which to operate, since competing with the giant brands is not a viable option.

Another advantage of exporting Brazilian cosmetics is in the issue of having some exemptions and with this the prices become more attractive for resale abroad, drawing the attention of customers based in other countries.

Even having access to a small part of the gigantic beauty market, the smaller companies that export Brazilian cosmetics already invoice in millions and as we have already mentioned, the curve is growing.

The Cosmetics Industry in Brazil

The Brazilian cosmetics industry is also gaining an important share within the online sales channel, where consumption is increasing and companies have great opportunities for profits if they act in the right way.

But have no doubt that physical sales points continue to play an important role for a certain public and should not have their potential minimized in any way.

Within the huge cosmetics industry in Brazil, we have a very relevant “persona” in quantity that prefers physical points of sale and values the experience of touching and seeing the products personally.

Considering this and among other reasons, the deliveries both in the domestic and foreign markets have a key role, because it is necessary to ensure that the products arrive in the most perfect condition even if the distance is long and there are inclement weather that can influence.

When the subject is cosmetics logistic, especially the Brazilian ones, a specialized consultancy is an investment that every company should consider, because to guarantee the quality from end to end, it is always cheaper than dealing with losses due to incorrect handling, claims, delays in delivery and order replacement.

The agility with which a good export consulting company deals with the customs procedures is also an advantageous factor, because this is one of the most laborious stages and that also usually generates more costs when you do not have the necessary expertise.

Although we already know that the Brazilian cosmetics have been consolidating themselves in the world market, depending on the country to where they will be sent, it is necessary to have adequate raw materials, packaging and other details that the consultancy can solve with speed and competence.

The Brazilian cosmetics export projects need an experienced accompaniment and at this time the right consulting can also be the key to open the doors of the foreign market to the companies, providing all the necessary and inherent support to the project and guiding on the best decisions.

Another very important point is the specific distribution for this sector, which has a range of products that is sensitive to handling because it is a relatively delicate cargo.

The storage, the transport modal and the exportation structure must be thought of according to each product and company profile and, without a doubt, a specialized consultancy is the best choice to avoid mistakes.

When the whole process happens in a fluid way and the client has his expectations met regarding the arrival of the products, having all the integrity of the materials preserved, an important relationship is established and growth is a consequence that leaves the realm of desires and becomes real.

Our interest is to continue being part of success stories with companies that operate in the beauty sector and that raise the image of the Brazilian cosmetics industry to higher and higher levels.

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